Hyang Eun Ji , Hye Won Shin
page: 9-31
Na-young Kim , Yoonjung Cha , Hea-suk Kim
page: 32-53
Young-sun Moon , Inn-chull Choi
page: 54-83
Hyunjeong Nam
page: 84-101
Kyung-mi O
page: 102-123
온라인 토익 학습 수행점수, 그릿, 학습 스타일 및 성취도의 관계 분석 The relationship between completion rate of online activities, the grit, the learning style and the achievement of Korean university students in an online TOEIC learning program
고명희 Ko Myong-hee , 이영경 Lee Young-kyoung
page: 124-149
컴퓨터기반 영어 말하기시험 문항유형과 채점구인의 발달 Development of task types and scoring constructs of computer-based English speaking test
김정태 Kim Jungtae , 박은경 Eunkyeong Park
page: 150-178
테크놀로지 기반 영어과 창의성 교수·학습 방안 A study on integrating technology into English education to enhance Korean EFL learners’ creativity
한종임 Han Jong-im
page: 179-208