About MALL

pISSN / e-ISSN 2982-7302

1. Aim & Scope

Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal published by the Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning (KAMALL), founded in 1997. The journal is registered at the Korea Research Foundation and indexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI). It focuses on cutting-edge technologies applied to language education and welcomes original articles on all aspects of language teaching and learning through technology. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning welcomes submissions that explore, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • · Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
  • · Multimedia Language Learning Environments
  • · AI and X-Reality (VR & AR) for Language Education
  • · Game-Based and Simulation Learning
  • · Technology-Enhanced Language Assessment
  • · Digital Literacy and Intercultural Communication
  • · Teacher Education in CALL
2. Peer Review Policy

Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning follows a rigorous double-blind peer review process. All submissions undergo an initial in-house screening to assess quality, format, and relevance. Manuscripts that pass this stage are then sent to at least two anonymous reviewers as experts in CALL for detailed evaluation. Based on their feedback, each manuscript is recommended as Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Reject, and the final decision is communicated to the author by the editor.

3. Publication Information

Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is an open access journal published by KAMALL. under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.

Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is published in February, June, August, and December. Below are the manuscript submission deadlines and publication dates for each issue.

Issue Cycle Submission Deadline Issue Publication Date
Issue 1 - Spring January 15 February 28
Issue 2 - Summer April 30 June 30
Issue 3 - Fall July 15 August 31
Issue 4 - Winter October 31 December 31

4. Author Fees

Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is an open access journal that requires author fees. Currently, these fees apply exclusively to authors affiliated with South Korean institutions, while authors from overseas institutions are exempt. In cases where a manuscript is co-authored by both domestic and international authors, the author fees will be charged. Authors may have benefits, including unlimited free access to their work, professional layout and production, expert copy editing, a unique DOI, and indexing in diverse sources.

  • · Authors from South Korean institutions
    - Review Fee: 60,000 KRW
    - Publication Fee: 200,000 KRW for student members, 300,000 KRW for lecturers and professors, and 350,000 KRW for grant-funded articles. (For manuscripts over 20 pages, an extra fee of 20,000 KRW per page applies.)
  • · Authors from overseas institutions: free of charge
5. Revenue Sources
  • · Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is financially supported through a combination of revenue sources, including membership subscription fees from KAMALL, author fees, and partial funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea.
  • · The journal ensures that publishing fees or waiver status do not influence editorial decision-making, and all manuscripts undergo a rigorous and impartial peer review process.
6. Advertising Policy
  • · Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning does not host or display any third-party advertisements on its website or within its published content. Our commitment is to maintain a scholarly and professional publishing environment free from commercial influences.
  • · Any promotional activities related to the journal are strictly academic in nature and are aimed at enhancing research dissemination within the field of multimedia-assisted language learning.
7. Direct Marketing
  • · Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning engages in direct marketing activities in a targeted and non-intrusive manner, primarily through its official social media channels and email notifications to subscribed members.
  • · Calls for papers (CFPs) are issued for each journal issue, providing essential details such as its scope, submission deadlines, peer review process, publication schedule, and any applicable fees. These communications also include information on research ethics and editorial policies to ensure transparency and adherence to scholarly standards