About MALL

pISSN / e-ISSN 2982-7302

1. Manuscript Submission Deadline

KAMALL publishes the journal, MALL (Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning), registered with the Korea Research Foundation. The journal is published four times a year. For questions about manuscript submission, email the editorial committee at kamallpublish@gmail.com. The deadlines for manuscript submissions are as follows with the publication dates in brackets:

  • · issue 1 : January 15 (for February 28 publication)
  • · issue 2 : April 30 (for June 30 publication)
  • · issue 3 : July 15 (for August 31 publication)
  • · issue 4 : October 31 (for December 31 publication)
  • · Manuscript submission: email to editor kamallpublish@gmail.com Or Online submission (Click here, login first)