• Download a template and forms: Link 1 (Korean scholars), Link 2 (Overseas: English).
- 1) The manuscript should be written using the template, following APA 7th style: Link.
- 2) Prepare both an original manuscript and an anonymized manuscript, along with “1. Consent for Research Ethics Regulations” and “2. Consent for Copyright Agreement”
- 3) Manuscripts should be between 15 pages (including references) and 20 pages. (For those from South Korean institutions, pages over 20 will be charged an additional 20,000 KRW per page.)
- 4) Even when a manuscript is written in Korean, tables, pictures, citations and references in the text, and appendices must be provided in English.
- 5) The abstract should be written in 180-200 words in English, specifying the purpose, method, result, and keywords.
Authors should declare any use of generative AI or AI-assisted technologies employed during the writing process. This statement should be included as a note on the first page of the manuscript. Please note:
- •This policy applies only to the writing process—not to the use of AI for data analysis or interpretation.
- •Generative AI should be used solely to enhance the readability and language quality of the manuscript, and must be applied under strict human oversight.
- •Authors are responsible for thoroughly reviewing and editing any AI-generated content to ensure its accuracy, completeness, and lack of bias.
- •AI or AI-assisted tools must not be credited as an author or co-author, since authorship entails responsibilities that only humans can fulfill.
- By including this note on the first page, authors confirm their adherence to these guidelines upon submission.
Authors should submit similarity check reports twice: 1) with the manuscript submitted for review, 2) with the final version
- •KCI Similarity Check (Manuscript in Korean)
- •Crossref Similarity Check (Manuscript in English)
- •Original Manuscript
- •Anonymized Manuscript
- •Consent for Research Ethics Regulations
- •Consent for Copyright Agreement
- •Similarity Check Report
- • Members: Log-in at https://kamall.joss.co.kr/ → Manage Manuscript (논문투고 및 관리) → Find Volume and Issue
→ Manage Manuscript (논문투고 및 관리) → Submit (신규투고) - • Non-members
- - Registration at https://www.kamall.or.kr/
- - Remit the registration fee (20,000 KRW) + the annual membership fee (30,000 KRW) (total 50,000 KRW) to
Woori Bank 1006-901-566038 (한국멀티미디어언어교육학회) - - Inform the secretary general of the remittance via email (kamallinfo@gmail.com) for approval.
- - Log-in at https://kamall.joss.co.kr/ → Manage Manuscript (논문투고 및 관리) → Find Volume and Issue →
Manage Manuscript (논문투고 및 관리) → Submit (신규투고)
- •Overseas scholars who have any difficulty submitting via our submission system, please this link.
- •Please ensure that the manuscript is written with a MALL template.
- •A template and forms: Link 1 (Korean scholars), Link 2 (Overseas: English).
Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is an open access journal published by KAMALL. under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is published in February, June, August, and December. Below are the manuscript submission deadlines and publication dates for each issue.
Issue Cycle | Submission Deadline | Issue Publication Date |
Issue 1 - Spring | January 15 | February 28 |
Issue 2 - Summer | April 30 | June 30 |
Issue 3 - Fall | July 15 | August 31 |
Issue 4 - Winter | October 31 | December 31 |
Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning follows a rigorous double-blind peer review process. All submissions undergo an initial in-house screening to assess quality, format, and relevance. Manuscripts that pass this stage are then sent to at least two anonymous reviewers as experts in CALL for detailed evaluation. Based on their feedback, each manuscript is recommended as Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, or Reject, and the final decision is communicated to the author by the editor.
Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning is an open access journal that requires author fees. Currently, these fees apply exclusively to authors affiliated with South Korean institutions, while authors from overseas institutions are exempt. In cases where a manuscript is co-authored by both domestic and international authors, the author fees will be charged. Authors may have benefits, including unlimited free access to their work, professional layout and production, expert copy editing, a unique DOI, and indexing in diverse sources.
- •Authors from South Korean institutions
- -Review Fee: 60,000 KRW
- -Publication Fee: 200,000 KRW for student members, 300,000 KRW for lecturers and professors, and 350,000 KRW for grant-funded articles. (For manuscripts over 20 pages, an extra fee of 20,000 KRW per page applies.)
- •Authors from overseas institutions (including Korean): free of charge
- #When it is co-authored by both domestic and international authors, the author fees are charged
- •Bank Account Number for Remittance: Woori Bank (우리은행) 1006-901-566038 (Owner: 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회)
- ※Inform the secretary general of the remittance via email (kamallinfo@gmail.com).
For inquiries about manuscript submissions and publications, please contact the editorial board (kamallpublish@gmail.com). For issuing of publication notifications, and other inquiries, please contact the KAMALL secretary general (kamallinfo@gmail.com).
Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, a registered journal with the Korea Research Foundation, conforms to the regulations put forth by the Korea Research Foundation.