Manuscripts should focus on the theory and practice of language education using technology. This includes research on technology-enhanced language learning, teaching methods and models for foreign language education, teacher training, as well as the design, development, and evaluation of courseware and software. Submissions must be original and unpublished in any domestic or international journals.
- 1) Manuscripts for review must be submitted online as MS Word files. The version submitted for review should not contain any information that could reveal the author’s identity. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the final version must include the names, affiliations, and positions of all authors, as well as a contactable email address for the corresponding author.
- 2) The online submission should include the manuscript file, similarity check results, copyright consent, ethics documentation, and a pledge of compliance. The pledge confirms adherence to the research ethics of KAMALL, while the copyright consent ensures that all authors agree to the journal’s copyright and open access policies, and to transferring copyright to the association
- 3) A manuscript containing identical content must not be submitted to more than one academic journal, whether domestic or international. If duplicate submission is detected, the review will be canceled by the editorial board and further submissions may be restricted for a certain period.
- 4) The final version of the manuscript, which requires revision and supplementation, shall be submitted by e-mail to the editorial board in the ‘MS Word’ file format, as well as a response to review.
- • Spring Issue: January 15 / February 28
- • Summer Issue: April 30 / June 30
- • Fall Issue: July 15 / August 31
- • Winter Issue: October 31 / December 31
5) The manuscripts subject for final revisions shall be sent via e-mail to the author(s) by the editorial board. The published manuscript can be found on the MALL journal website or KCI.
6) The submission deadline and issue publication dates are as follows.
7) Online submission is at
Overseas scholars who have any difficulty submitting via our submission system, please this link. All forms can be downloaded: Link 1 (Korean scholars), Link 2 (Overseas: English). Please adhere to APA 7th style.
- 1) Manuscripts should be at least 15 pages (including references), while theoretical and action research papers require a minimum of 10 pages. Any pages beyond 20 will be charged an additional 20,000 KRW per page
- 2) Even when a manuscript is written in Korean, tables, pictures, citations and references in the text, and appendices must be provided in English
- 3) The abstract should be written in 180-200 words in English, specifying the purpose, method, result, and keywords.
4) The paper should be written in MS Word on the A4 paper size. The article should be written using the manuscript template down
loadable through the links in Link 1 (Korean scholars), Link 2 (Overseas: English).