For Authors

pISSN / e-ISSN 2982-7302

Chapter 1. General Provisions
1. Purpose and Scope

• The purpose of these ethical guidelines is to provide clear principles and procedures for researchers, editors, reviewers, and publishers involved in all stages of publication for Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning.

• These guidelines apply to all research and journal articles submitted to and published by the Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning (KAMALL).

2. Ethical Commitment

• KAMALL is dedicated to ensuring transparency, accuracy, and fairness in academic communication.

• All stakeholders must adhere to these guidelines to uphold the integrity of the scholarly record.

Chapter 2. Responsibility of the Publisher (KAMALL)
1. Guardianship of the Scholarly Record

• KAMALL acts as the custodian of the scholarly record, ensuring that every published work meets rigorous ethical standards.

• Editorial independence is safeguarded against commercial or other external influences.

2. Support and Oversight

• KAMALL provides technical, procedural, and legal support to editors and reviewers.

• Potential conflicts of interest are disclosed and managed appropriately.

3. Digital Archiving and Open Access

• All materials submitted by authors—including manuscripts and supplementary data—are securely preserved in digital form.

• In line with our open access policy, published articles are archived on the journal website to ensure permanent accessibility for researchers and the public.

4. Transparency and Accountability

• Clear policies on corrections, retractions, and appeals are published and regularly updated to reflect evolving ethical standards.

CHAPTER 3. Responsibility of the Editor(s)
1. Editorial Independence and Decision-Making

• Editors hold sole authority in deciding which manuscripts are published, basing decisions solely on scholarly merit and research integrity.

• Decisions are made impartially, free from bias and external influence.

2. Peer Review Oversight

• Editors ensure that the peer review process is fair, objective, and timely.

• Reviewers are selected for their expertise, and confidentiality is maintained throughout the process

3. Conflict of Interest Management

• All editorial team members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

• Editorial decisions must remain independent of personal or financial considerations.

4. Generative AI in the Editorial Process

Usage Restrictions: Editors must not upload any manuscript content or related communications to external generative AI tools in order to protect confidentiality and proprietary information.

Decision-Making and Oversight: Critical evaluation and final decisions remain the sole responsibility of human editors. AI tools may only serve in supportive roles (e.g., for plagiarism screening) and must comply with data privacy standards.

Disclosure and Accountability: Suspected breaches regarding AI usage must be reported to the publisher

CHAPTER 4. Responsibility of Reviewers
1. Objective and Confidential Evaluation

• Reviewers are expected to provide impartial, timely, and confidential assessments of submitted manuscripts.

• Feedback must be constructive, evidence-based, and aimed at enhancing the scholarly quality of the work.

2. Integrity and Professionalism

• Reviews must be free from personal bias and conflicts of interest.

• All evaluations should be supported by clear, reasoned arguments and evidence.

3. Generative AI in the Peer Review Process

• Prohibition on AI-Assisted Review: Reviewers must not upload any manuscript content or review reports to external generative AI tools, as this could breach confidentiality.

• Human Responsibility: The peer review process requires the expert judgment of human reviewers. AI-generated input may be used only as an advisory tool and must be critically verified.

• Accountability: Reviewers remain fully responsible for the content of their review reports.

CHAPTER 5. Responsibility of Authors
1. Research Integrity and Originality

• Authors must ensure that all submitted content is original, accurate, and adheres to the highest academic standards.

• Proper citations and acknowledgments are required for any external sources or ideas.

2. Authorship and Contributions

• Authorship should be limited to those who have made substantial contributions to the research.

• Any changes in authorship after submission must be clearly justified and communicated to the editors

3. Disclosure and Management of Conflicts of Interest

• Authors must disclose all potential conflicts of interest, including financial, personal, or institutional ties that could affect the research

• All funding sources and support must be transparently identified.

4. Generative AI in Manuscript Preparation

Usage in Writing: Authors may use generative AI tools solely to enhance language and readability. Such tools must be used under strict human oversight with thorough verification of AI-generated content.

Mandatory Disclosure: Any use of generative AI—detailing the tool’s name, version, and purpose—must be disclosed in the manuscript (in the methodology section or acknowledgments).

Authorship Limitations: Generative AI tools cannot be credited as authors or co-authors, as only human researchers can bear responsibility for the work.

Risk Management: Authors must ensure that AI-assisted processes do not compromise data integrity, intellectual property rights, or confidentiality.

CHAPTER 6. Oversight and Ethical Compliance
A. Publications Committee
1. Decision-Making and Independence

• The Publications Committee is responsible for the final publication decisions on submitted manuscripts.

• In carrying out its duties, the Committee respects the scholarly independence of authors and ensures that decisions are based solely on the quality and merit of the work.

2. Expert Evaluation and Confidentiality

• The Editor-in-Chief must provide manuscripts to qualified experts for objective evaluation.

• All identifying information regarding the authors and the content of the manuscripts shall remain confidential until a publication decision is finalized.

B. Code of Research Ethics
1. Author Oath and Similarity Detection

• All authors submitting manuscripts must take an oath to abide by the Code of Research Ethics.

• Authors are required to conduct and submit a similarity detection report with each submission, including with resubmissions.

2. Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication

• Plagiarism, including the uncredited use of others’ work, and duplicate publication are strictly prohibited.

• If authors wish to publish research already published or under review elsewhere, they must obtain written approval from all involved editorial boards.

3. Reporting, Investigation, and Sanctions

• Allegations of ethical breaches (e.g., plagiarism, fabrication, or misrepresentation) should first be addressed directly with the violator

• If unresolved, the case must be reported to the Ethics Committee

• The Ethics Committee, comprising association members and chaired by the Editor-in-Chief, is responsible for investigating such breaches in strict confidentiality

• Based on the investigation, appropriate sanctions may be imposed. These sanctions can include withdrawal of the manuscript, publication corrections, refusal of future submissions, or retraction of published work. In severe cases, disciplinary actions up to the revocation of membership may be enforced.

4. Ethics Education and Communication

• KAMALL will provide research ethics education at least once annually through conferences or workshops.

• Any amendments or updates to the Code of Research Ethics shall be regularly communicated to all members