Hi Jean Kim , Myoung Nim Yoon
DOI: Vol.17(No.2) 86-111, 2014
Recently, the use of digital social networks in the field of English education has increasingly attracted the attention of researchers. However, previous research has tended to focus on resources like Facebook. In this study we focused instead on smartphone applications and determined that they are a critical and valuable resource for engaging students as active and social language learners. In this vein, this paper aims to present a strategic learning design for L2 writing classes in a smartphone-based blended learning environment. This paper discusses how the smart-phone-based applications Mobile Community (Mocafe) and Kakao Talk can be implemented and blended with offline classes to teach writing. This study also evaluates the effectiveness of this experimental blended learning and the impact of its adoption upon peer and teacher feedback. Eight students aged 14-15 from a private language institute participated in this study, and a mixed methods approach was used to acquire both quantitative and qualitative data. This included questionnaires, pre- and post-tests, and interviews. The study found that this experimental blended learning approach increased students` written output in both quantity and quality. In addition, this study determined that students preferred doing asynchronous writing activities through Mobile cafe (Mocafe) to synchronous writing activities through Kakao Talk. We found that a blended learning approach positively shaped peer and teacher feedback and activated social interaction and student` participation. These findings concur with the work of other researchers in the field of collaborative and digital learning including Swain (2006).
Key Words
blended learning, SMART devices, smart learning, MALL, mobile learning, social learning, peer and teacher feedback, Mocafe, Kakao Talk